To use the Postmark integration to send transactional emails 1 environment variable is required:
- Your Postmark API key is found on the Postmark server API tokens page ({server-ID}/credentials
Once you configured this value as an environment variable you can use the two functions to either send plain text emails or pre-built template emails.
To send plain text emails use the following function:
import { sendPlainTextMail } from '@/utils/emails/postmark'
await sendPlainTextMail(
'', // to email address
'', // from email address - usually an email address from your company
'Subject of email', // email subject
'Email body - hey this is a test email', // plain text body of email
'Email-tag', // a way to identify what kind of email it is - e.g. password-reset, checkout-recovery, etc.
To send an email using a pre-built Postmark template use the following function:
import { sendTemplateMail } from '@/utils/emails/postmark'
await sendTemplateMail(
'', // to email address
'', // from email address - usually an email address from your company
'email-template-id', // ID of email template on Postmark - e.g. 29679345
{ // dynamic template data configured in Postmark email templates
propName1: 'test value',
propName2: 'another test value',
'Email-tag', // a way to identify what kind of email it is - e.g. password-reset, checkout-recovery, etc.