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SaaS Pricing Strategies: How to Price B2B SaaS Products


When building a SaaS product, pricing is one of the greatest dilemmas we all face.

Usually, we have two issues:

  1. Am I charging too much?
  2. Am I charging too little?

Even though pricing is not an exact science, over the years people have developed different effective pricing strategies.

Those strategies can be really helpful, especially if you’re a first-time SaaS founder. To price your SaaS product correctly, you have to understand what your product’s unique value proposition is.

You also need to identify the problems your SaaS solves and try to quantify them. This is the foundation of any pricing.

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Understand the Value Proposition

A thorough knowledge of your B2B SaaS product's value proposition is essential for pricing it effectively.

1. Determine the Problems and Desired Outcomes

Start by determining the precise problems your solution solves for your intended market.

Conduct in-depth market research and consumer interviews to acquire insight into the issues they encounter and the outcomes they want.

2. Quantify the Value

After identifying the problems and desired results, quantify the value your SaaS solution offers.

Identify the direct and indirect benefits that clients can anticipate, such as boosted output, cost savings, simpler processes, or better decision-making.

Quantifying the value can make a stronger case for the price of your product.

3. Evaluate Competitive Advantage

Additionally, evaluate the competitive edge your product has over rivals in the market. Examine the special qualities, capabilities, and advantages of your SaaS service. Emphasize the elements that make your product unique and add to its value proposition.

This research can help you express the value of your product to potential customers and guide your pricing decisions, as well as your marketing and positioning tactics.

By acquiring a full understanding of your product's value proposition, measuring its advantages, and assessing its competitive advantage, you can create a solid foundation for pricing your B2B SaaS product.

This knowledge will drive your pricing decisions, ensuring that your product's price reflects the value it provides and resonates with the requirements and expectations of your target clients.

Now that we've covered the value proposition in-depth, let’s examine different types of pricing techniques you can use to price your B2B SaaS (or any other SaaS).

1. Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing is a deliberate way to price your SaaS product based on the value it offers.

Key Steps:

  1. Quantify the cash gains, time savings, and efficiency improvements your service offers to businesses.
  2. Segment your clients according to their willingness to pay and the value they obtain from your product.
  3. Adjust your pricing to different customer segments to maximize income potential.
  4. Communicate the value proposition to your customers by stating distinct advantages and results they can anticipate.
  5. Use case studies, client testimonials, and ROI calculations to support the value proposition and improve customers' views of pricing fairness and relevance.

Value-based pricing not only justifies the price point but also leads to higher customer happiness, increased profitability, and a competitive edge in the market.

2. Competitive Pricing Analysis

Conducting thorough competitive pricing research is a key step in determining how much to charge for your B2B SaaS product.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Identify your main industry rivals and examine their pricing strategies, including tiers of price, packaging, discounts, or special deals.
  2. Note the features, functions, and extra value-added services included in each pricing category.
  3. Differentiate your product based on special value propositions rather than engaging in a price war.
  4. Analyze your own product's benefits and strengths, and effectively communicate them to prospective buyers.
  5. Keep an eye on market dynamics and pricing changes to stay current on industry advancements, new competitors, disruptive technology, and changes in customer preferences or expectations.

Remember, being the cheapest doesn’t make you the most attractive, and being the most expensive doesn’t make you premium—it just makes you expensive.

3. Tiered Pricing Model

The tiered pricing model is probably the most popular because it allows you to attract different kinds of customers based on different pricing tiers.


  1. Ensure that each tier offers distinct differentiation and greater value over the preceding one.
  2. Push customers to upgrade and maximize revenue possibilities.
  3. Discover the important characteristics that distinguish customer needs and develop tiers accordingly.
  4. Communicate the benefits and distinctive features of each tier to assist clients in making informed decisions.
  5. Analyze usage trends and consumer feedback regularly to fine-tune your pricing tiers and make appropriate adjustments.
  6. Pricing structures with tiers offer flexibility, and choice, and maximize income possibilities.

Monitor and improve your pricing tiers continuously based on consumer input and market dynamics.

This method enables you to capture clients at various stages of their growth journey and match pricing to their changing needs.

4. Usage-based Pricing

Usage-based pricing is an excellent technique for pricing B2B SaaS products, especially when customer usage fluctuates dramatically.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Enable businesses to pay based on their usage or consumption, aligning the price with the value they receive.
  2. Give different pricing categories depending on usage thresholds or volume to meet diverse needs and encourage growth.
  3. Stress cost-efficiency, scalability, and fairness by ensuring organizations only pay for what they use.
  4. Regularly analyze usage data to optimize pricing levels and ensure they align with client needs.

Usage-based pricing provides a flexible and appealing pricing model that improves customer satisfaction, allows businesses to scale their usage and costs accordingly, and emphasizes cost efficiency.

5. Upselling and Value Bundles

Upselling and value-added bundles are excellent B2B SaaS pricing methods that can improve revenue and the perceived worth of your product.

Upselling Guidelines:

  1. Provide comprehensive packages that differentiate pricing levels by combining your main offering with complementary features or services.
  2. Improve customer perception of value and allow for upselling to higher-priced bundles.
  3. Encourage clients to upgrade to higher-priced tiers or add-on services when their needs change.
  4. Offer incentives such as unique features or increased support to entice customers to upgrade and generate additional income.
  5. Communicate the value of upselling options effectively using case studies and success stories.

Regular study of client usage patterns and feedback helps identify relevant upselling opportunities matched to customer demands and stages of growth. By introducing value-added bundles and upselling, you can improve value perception, cater to changing needs, and increase customer happiness.

6. Freemium and Trial Models

Freemium and trial models are powerful ways to acquire and convert B2B customers to your SaaS solution.

Key Points:

  1. Freemium provides a limited version for free, whereas trials allow users to try out the full functionality for a short time.
  2. Remove entry barriers and enable potential buyers to evaluate the value of your product firsthand.
  3. Analyze user behavior and identify conversion possibilities during freemium or trial periods using data analytics.
  4. Evaluate user engagement, feature adoption, and satisfaction to personalize upselling efforts and address specific pain points.
  5. Convert freemium users and trial customers into long-term paying subscribers by providing value during the free or trial period.
  6. Strategic involvement and targeted support can increase conversion rates.

By optimizing these models, you can convert freemium users and trial customers into long-term paying subscribers.

Pricing Optimization

Now that we have covered the most popular pricing techniques, let's see how we can improve and ensure that we have the best possible price while keeping our customers happy.

1. Monitoring and Analysis

Regular customer feedback monitoring and analysis provide vital insights into how your pricing strategy is viewed and received in the market.

Pay attention to consumer mood, pain concerns, and pricing suggestions to find areas for improvement.

Keep a careful watch on market developments and the competitive landscape to remain competitive.

Stay up to date on competitors' pricing schemes and how customers react to them.

Consider how market factors, such as changes in client preferences, developing trends, and industry movements, may affect your pricing approach.

3. A/B Testing

A/B testing is an effective method for price optimization.

Experiment with alternative pricing structures or modifications and compare the outcomes to different portions of your consumer base.

Gauge client reactions, assess demand elasticity, and select the most effective pricing options based on the results of A/B testing.

4. Price Elasticity Analysis

Price elasticity analysis is a useful tool for understanding how pricing changes affect customer demand.

By examining customer behavior in reaction to price changes, you can estimate the sensitivity of demand to price changes.

This data helps you determine ideal price points and pricing strategies that fit customer preferences and revenue goals.

To iterate and improve your pricing strategy, consider the insights from consumer feedback, market analysis, A/B testing, and price elasticity studies.

Continuously assess the efficiency of your pricing strategy and make required improvements. Keep an eye on consumer needs, market changes, and competitive pricing to ensure your approach remains current and competitive.

By taking a proactive approach to pricing optimization and iteration, you can adapt your pricing strategy to changing consumer needs and market circumstances.

This allows you to maximize revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in the B2B SaaS market.


In conclusion, pricing a SaaS product is a challenging process.

However, applying efficient pricing techniques can hugely benefit SaaS owners, especially those who are new to the sector.

Understanding the distinctive value proposition of the product, quantifying the issues it resolves, and conducting thorough market research are crucial for ensuring correct pricing.

The best pricing model for a B2B SaaS product can be determined using a variety of pricing techniques such as value-based pricing, competitive pricing analysis, tiered pricing models, usage-based pricing, upselling and value bundles, and freemium and trial models.

Continuous monitoring, analysis, market trend observation, A/B testing, and price elasticity analysis are essential for optimizing pricing strategies.

By taking a proactive approach to price optimization and iteration, businesses can increase revenue, boost customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in the B2B SaaS market.

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